Dear followers of the Peace Hero Museum, the Light Memories exhibition has been on since yesterday 14th November 2022, and will be on until Thursday, November 24th. Our volunteer from Peace Museum Teheran and dear friend Behnaz Monfared decided to make us all reflect on some deep moments of our past to study how those memories affect our mood still today. She called them Light Memories. According to the artist, a "Light memory" is a strong image in our mind that relates to the end of a dark period, such images is not just happy moment, but something that pushes us in our life by providing us with strong emotions and bringing up the same feelings and sensations we had when we were living it, therefore a light memory. This unique piece of art and internal research helps us be peaceful with the people around us despite the circumstances. Maybe even some of our Peace Heroes adopted this strategy to always see the bright side and fight for a better future and a better world. What is your light memory? Share it in the comments!