Aktham Abulhusn Aktham
Aktham Abulhusn Aktham took part in the uprising in Syria on March 2011, and came to Berlin in 2015 where he now works as a volunteer for Start with a Friend e.V., a non-profit organization that promotes active participation of newcomers in life of their new communities. Aktham studied electrical engineering at Bachelor level and worked as a self-employed engineer in Syria. As the uprising took place in Syria in March 2011, he was active in it from the very beginning. He was participating in and organizing peaceful demonstrations, taking part in sit-ins, flyer distribution, paintings on the walls, documenting with photos and videos, sharing information and communicating with fellow revolutionary Syrians all over the country. As a member of the Syrian community in Berlin, he now continues to work on the goals and the methods of the uprising they started in Syria. Together with his community, he tries to analyse, criticize and discover what went wrong in their uprising and how the regime managed to change the course of actions, what resulted in the break out of a civil war. Their concern is also what can they do for their homeland and maintain the goals of the uprising. Furthermore, they work on helping the integration of the newcomers (not only Syrians) and motivating them to engage in the political and social life in Germany.