Jody Williams

Jody Williams is an American political activist. Williams is best known for her work in banning anti-personnel landmines, defense of human rights, and efforts to promote new understandings of security in today’s world. She is the founding coordinator of the International Campaign to Ban Landmines (ICBL). Williams also served as a chief strategist and spokesperson for the ICBL, which she developed from two non-governmental organizations with a staff of one – herself – to an international powerhouse of 1,300 NGOs in ninety countries. Williams and the ICBL achieved the campaign’s goal of an international treaty banning anti-personnel landmines during a diplomatic conference held in Oslo in September 1997. Before that work, she spent eleven years on various projects related to the wars in Nicaragua and El Salvador. Furthermore, she established the Nobel Women’s Initiative which was launched in January 2006. This initiative brought together six of the female Peace Laureates, the women seeking to use their influence to promote the work of women working for peace with justice and equality. Williams was named by Forbes magazine as one of the 100 most powerful women in the world. She is one of the female Nobel Prize laureates to be recognized as a “Woman of the Year” by Glamour magazine.

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Joan Kroc


Linus Pauling