What is “peace”
What is “peace"
It simply refers to a state of tranquility, harmony, and absence of conflict.
Peace is a welcome placement of calm in our mind’s chatter.
Peace is not second nature to everyone, it is utterly precious yet not unattainable and peace is a virtue indeed.
Being peaceful is definitely one of the most blissful states to be in .
But in order to achieve it , you either have to inherently be peaceful where nothing can cause a turbulence in your mind or you have to cultivate peace by a conscious effort in your every day life.
Meditation can play a role in creating a peaceful and serene atmosphere in the mind . An easily wandering mind is seldom a great friend . A focused mind on the other hand is a comrade.
Understanding and imbibing peace from when you read and hear about it , in excerpts or extended formats, is another way to cultivate peace as part of your personality .
And like many things remarkable in life , discipline and consistency is key .
It also applies here .
People, A small thought for the day :
Let go of the need to control your monkey mind when it starts acting like one (because can really control a jumping monkey is you saw one or would you just get caught in the commotion ?)
Instead of control , let the thoughts come and go , let the tango happen .
This has been spoken about since ages , but the idea is to implement the learning and once the lesson is learned , you are free of when your mind decides to monkey around .
Thoughts that dance around in dizzying circles, let them .
Don’t identify with baseless and meaningless thoughts and with sheer focus , get your mind to be your wonderful comrade .
Let peace be a virtue that becomes so engrained in you that your example is seen as a shining one, in the pursuit of everlasting peace.
Written by Puja Mehta Sethia