Why is there a pursuit of happiness?
In today’s day and age, sometimes we can get so enthralled in hectic energy , that the pursuit of happiness has become so prevalent.
Should it be pursued, can it be found or attained or should it just be an inherent part of our human nature?
Happiness is a state of mind. It is a state of being. It holds within it joy and fulfillment. Although it is perhaps a fundamental aspect of human existence, and yes ideally, it should been an integral part of oneself, but in truth, it is still so extensively sought after, thereby making it a pursuit !!
Let’s cite simple examples for moments that attribute to sheer happiness :
Aren’t we happy when we see a blooming flower? When we have a day of such amazing weather, don’t we look up to the skies with an adoring gaze ? When a baby smiles at us, don’t our hearts soar?
Happiness lies in everyday moments. Happiness also lies in the milestone moments!
It’s up to us to embrace both, it’s up to us to say Carpe Diem to life. It’s up to us to stop and smell the flowers and enjoy the fleeting moments, as well as appreciate the here to stay sentiments. Nature has given us so much bounty, it is up to all of us to preserve nature and be gentle with it.
Ultimately, happiness is not a destination but a journey and path that unfolds as we aim to embrace the beauty of life and nurture our inner selves.
Be happy, be positive, and be peaceful. Ciao.
Written by Puja Mehta Sethia